How to Reheat Pizza

Woman taking reheated pizza from microwave

For Oak Park residents, knowing how to reheat pizza is a crucial life skill. Regarding how to reheat pizza, not all methods are equal. In the guide below, Salerno’s Pizza shows our Bolingbrook-area customers our favorite methods for reheating pizza! We’ve also got tips on how to keep pizza warm

Still, not all methods are equal when restoring your pizza as close to its original glory, and we are sure you have many questions. How to heat pizza on the stove? What temperature to reheat pizza in an air fryer? How long to reheat frozen pizza in an air fryer? In the guide below, Salerno’s Pizza shows you our favorite methods for reheating pizza!

The Best Way to Reheat Pizza: Reheat Pizza in an Oven

When it comes to reheating pizza, we know two equally satisfying oven methods:

How to Reheat Pizza in Oven: On a Hot Tray

  1. Place a baking tray in your oven and set the temperature to 450 degrees. (No pizza yet!)
  2. When the oven finishes preheating, put the pizza slices on the hot tray and return it to the oven.
  3. Bake for five minutes on the middle rack.
  4. Remove from the oven and let cool.

How to Reheat Pizza in Oven: On Tin Foil

  1. Place a piece of tin foil directly on your oven rack.
  2. Put the pizza on the foil.
  3. Bake for five minutes at 450 degrees. For a softer crust, try ten minutes at 350 degrees.
  4. For a softer crust, reheat the pizza for ten minutes at 350 degrees.

How to Reheat Pizza in a Microwave

Unless you like a rubbery pizza crust, heating pizza all the way through in the microwave isn’t a great choice. However, you can use a microwave-oven combination approach to save time. Here’s how to reheat pizza in a microwave — and crisp it back to life in the oven:

  1. Microwave pizza for 30 seconds.
  2. Place pizza on a tray and put it into a cold oven.
  3. Set the oven to 350 degrees.
  4. Take out the pizza when the oven finishes preheating.

Next, we’ll show you our favorite method for reheating pizza: in a pan. In our opinion, pan-cooking is both time-saving and effective—but only if you get it right.


How To Heat Pizza on the Stove

If you want to use a stove to reheat your cold pizza, there are a few things to consider to ensure things go off without a hitch. Learn more about how to heat pizza on the stove below: 

  1. Place the cold pizza on a non-stick pan.
  2. Heat for two minutes over medium-low heat or until the bottom of the slice is pleasantly crisp. 
  3. Wet your fingers under the faucet, and sprinkle a couple of drops of water (less than a teaspoon) into the pan. The water will sizzle when it hits the hot pan, so don’t stand too close.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid so the evaporating water droplets can rehydrate the cheese.
  5. Turn the heat to low and heat for another minute.

This method is excellent for reheating pizza, but don’t crank the heat too high. Be cautious about setting the temperature, especially with thin-crust pizzas that heat through quickly. We also advise using a non-stick pan over a cast-iron pan.


How To Reheat Pizza in an Air Fryer

An air fryer is a great way to return the pizza to its original crispiness with the convenience of using a microwave. How long to reheat frozen pizza in an air fryer? What temperature is used to reheat pizza in an air fryer? We will answer this question and more in our instructions below:

  1. Place your leftover pizza slices in your air fryer in a single layer. To make cleaning easier, you can use tin foil or parchment paper. 
  2. Set your air fryer to 350°F. The cooking time ultimately depends on the pizza’s size and shape. For a thin crust, air fry for three minutes; for a thick crust, air fry for four minutes.
  3. Remove the pizza from the air fryer using tongs. 

What temperature is used to reheat frozen pizza in an air fryer? To cook frozen pizza in an air fryer, cook at 350°F for eight to 12 minutes. Open the air fryer at around eight minutes to check on the pizza, then continue cooking if needed.


Serving Up Authentic Italian Pizza in Chicagoland

Now that you know how long it takes to reheat frozen pizza in an air fryer, why not test your knowledge and bring some pizza home? Salerno’s Pizza proudly serves authentic Italian dishes at our four Chicagoland locations. Explore our menu online, and put in your order in minutes. Questions about Salerno’s catering and private dining? Give us a call today.

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